Lesser-Known Facts About Tax Attorneys

The History of Tax Attorneys

Did you know that tax law was first introduced in the United States in the late 1800s? This was due to an increase in revenue from tariffs and the need for government regulation.

It didn’t become a separate legal field until the early 1900s, when complex tax laws required specialized knowledge. The first-ever tax attorney is believed to be Charles B. Ruggles, who practiced law in New York City.

The Current State of Tax Attorneys

There are currently over 70,000 practicing attorneys specializing in tax law across the United States. While most work for large firms or government agencies, there has been a recent trend towards freelance work and starting individual practices. In addition, with constant updates to tax laws and regulations, many attorneys are finding ways to use technology to streamline their work and provide better service to clients.

Lesser-Known Tips for Hiring a Tax Attorney

When hiring a tax attorney, it’s important to do your research and find someone with the right expertise for your specific situation. But here are some lesser-known tips that can help you make an informed decision: – Look for an attorney who is familiar with both federal and state tax laws.

– Don’t be afraid to ask about their previous cases or experience with similar situations. – Make sure you understand how they charge for their services – some may have hourly rates while others may charge a flat fee.
– Check their credentials and make sure they are licensed in your state. – Consider meeting with multiple attorneys before making a final decision.


Tax attorneys play an important role in ensuring individuals and businesses comply with complex tax laws while also protecting their rights. From handling audits to navigating appeals processes, these specialists have the expertise to make a real difference.

While hiring a tax attorney may seem intimidating, doing your research and finding the right fit can provide peace of mind and save you money in the long run. So if you find yourself struggling with tax-related issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified tax attorney today.

Read more from another tax attorney named Bruce Willey here.

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